• Alisha Aroor, PhD

    Postdoctoral Scholar

  • Annie Dalton

    Administrative Associate, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease

  • Phoenix Ding

    Research Associate

  • Dipankar Dutta, PhD

    Staff Research Scientist

  • Marcy Fuentes Hernandez

    Research Associate

  • Kaitlyn Ho

    Research Scientist

  • Victor Huang, PhD

    Postdoctoral Scholar

  • Jeriel Ignacio

    Lab Aide

  • Sara Knowles, PhD

    Postdoctoral Scholar

  • Jenny Moore

    Research Associate

  • Megumi Mori, PhD

    Postdoctoral Scholar

  • Randi Mott, MA, PMP

    Administrative Program Manager, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease

  • Paula Parra-Bueno, PhD

    Staff Research Scientist

  • Cathrine Petersen

    Graduate Student

  • Nicholas Pichurin, MSc

    Research Associate

  • Seydi Sanchez Sanbrano

    Administrative Assistant, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease

  • Jiaming Wang

    Research Associate

  • Gui-Qiu Yu, MS

    Research Scientist

  • Manuel Buttini, PhD

    Scientist, Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg

    Che-Wei Chang, PhD

    Lead Scientist, Discovery Biology, BridgeBio, California

    Irene Cheng, PhD

    Associate Professor, Institute of Brain Science, National Yang Ming University

    Jeannie Chin, PhD

    Associate Professor, Memory & Brain Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine

    Moustapha Cissé, PhD

    Founder and CEO of Kera Health Platforms, West Africa, and Professor of Machine Learning, University of Nice, France

    Melanie Das, PhD

    Consultant, Melanie Das Consulting, San Francisco

    Amy delpolyi, MD, PhD

    Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, West Virginia University

    Dena Dubal, MD, PhD (K08/Beeson awardee)

    Associate Professor and David A. Coulter Endowed Chair in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease, UCSF

    Luke Esposito, PhD

    Executive Director of Scientific Operations, Allen Institute for Brain Science

    Mark Evans, PhD

    Principal Scientist, Mission Therapeutics, Cambridge

    Makoto Furusawa, PhD

    Assistant Research Head, Neurodegenerative Disease, CNS Drug Discovery Unit, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Japan

    Li Gan, PhD

    Distinguished Professor of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Director of the Helen & Robert Appel Alzheimer’s Disease Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine

    Ania Gheyara, MD, PhD (K08 awardee)

    Pathologist, GRAIL, Inc., and Pathologist and Owner, Satori Biomedics

    Daniel Gulbranson, PhD

    Senior Scientist, Alector, California

    Brian Halabisky, PhD

    Management Consultant, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, NY

    Julie Harris, PhD

    Executive Vice President, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, Seattle

    Erik C.B. Johnson, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Neurology, Emory University

    Akihiko Koyama, PhD

    Vice President and Global Head of Translational Science, Neurology, Eisai Co., Ltd., U.S.

    Sumihiro Maeda, PhD

    Senior Assistant Professor of Physiology, Keio University, Tokyo

    Wenjie Mao, PhD

    Scientist, Janssen Research & Development, San Diego

    William Meilandt, PhD

    Head of Translational Neuroscience, Genentech

    Takashi Miyamoto, PhD

    Principal Scientist, Denali Therapeutics

    Meaghan Morris, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University

    Anna Orr, PhD (K99/R00 awardee)

    Nan and Stephen Swid Assistant Professor of Frontotemporal Dementia Research, Brain and Mind Research Institute, and Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medicine

    Jorge Palop, PhD

    Associate Investigator, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease, and Associate Professor of Neurology, UCSF

    Hui Pan, PhD

    Resident Physician and Surgical Pathology Fellow, LA General Hospital and USC Medical Center

    Jukka Puoliväli, PhD

    Adjunct Professor, University of Eastern Finland, and Animal Welfare Chair, Charles River Laboratories, Finland

    Jacob Raber, PhD

    Professor, Departments of Behavioral Neuroscience and Neurology, Oregon Health Sciences University

    Glenn F. Rall, PhD

    Professor and Chief Academic Officer, Fox Chase Cancer Center; and Adjunct Professor of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania

    Erik Roberson, MD, PhD (K08 awardee)

    Endowed Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology, Vice Chair for Basic and Translational Research, and Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham

    Pascal Sanchez, PhD

    Head of In Vivo Pharmacology & Biomarker Discovery, Altos Labs

    Rene Sanchez-Mejia, MD, PhD

    Cerebrovascular & Endovascular Neurosurgeon at Virginia Mason Medical Center

    Kimberly Scearce-Levie, PhD (K01 awardee)

    Chief Development Officer, Cajal Neuroscience, Seattle

    Niraj Shanbhag, MD, PhD (K01 awardee)

    Medical Director, Clinical Science – Neurodegeneration, Takeda Pharmaceuticals

    Qiang Shao, PhD

    Senior Scientist, Acelot, California

    Nicholas Smith, PhD

    Associate Scientist, Alkahest, California

    Neeraj Soni, PhD

    Research Specialist II, Stanford University

    Liana Stein, PhD

    Director, Preclinical Development, Athira Pharma, Washington

    Elsa Suberbielle, PhD

    Senior Researcher, Scientific Research National Center, France

    Meena Subhashini Subbarayan, PhD

    Scientist, Immunology (Biology - Therapeutics), 23andMe, South San Francisco

    Chao Tai, PhD

    Senior Scientist, Encoded Therapeutics, California

    Stephanie M. Toggas, PhD

    Scientific Writer, OCC, Pennsylvania

    Keith Vossel, MD (K23/Beeson awardee)

    Michael M. Minchin, Jr., President, J.D. French Alzheimer’s Foundation Endowed Chair, Director of the Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and of the Katherine and Benjamin Kagan Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Development Program, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

    Zheng Wang, PhD

    Founding Research Scientist, Stealth Mode AI Startup, Palo Alto

    Scott Wellnitz, PhD

    Science Teacher, Rivermont Collegiate, Iowa

    Tony Wyss-Coray, PhD

    D. H. Chen Professor II and Director of the Phil and Penny Knight Initiative for Brain Resilience, Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University

    Xiao Xu, MD, PhD

    President/COO, ACEA Biosciences, San Diego

    Unekwu Yakubu, PhD

    Scientist, Tierra Biosciences, California

    Lei Zhu, PhD

    Director, Nonclinical Research, Grace Science, San Francisco